Tuesday, October 16, 2012

This is must-listening, and so rude, and so wrong.

Talk about twisting FACTS...  about BengazhiF....  and how the fuckin' rethugs CUT the budget to protect embassy and consulate employees.    And that FUCKER uses his service and his family's to justify an unjustifiable position.  Gawwd I hate Rethugs.  Andrea Mitchell went there.  And you can see it here.

Over the course of a few years I had to deal with people in the US consulate in Vienna.  Which was at first easily accessible, but got moved and they made a bunker a ways away from there.

Going to the first one was sort of a 'trip'.  As in, you thought you were entering a land of the unreal.  Marines?  Allll over the place.  I'd always read that Vienna was sort of a center of agitation in the cold war and involved spies, and counter-spies, and at the time, I found that sexy.....  cool.

For some reason, Peter was with me, he'd met me there, so I guess it was a time he never left me out of his sight.  I had to get my  passport renewed.

Man, the beurocratic things that you had to do back then....

And this Marine let me go by to some beuraucrat's office, and he didn't have ID.  And got an ulitmatum:  you either leave, or you wait down here over THERE.  

We're talking about a peaceful country here, before people regularly blew things up in our part of the world.

And that Marine...  was very Big......

My second encounter was when I gave up my citizenship in order to get my Austrian one, which was a reaquirement.  Because I wasn't AHNULD, or some soccer guy they bought off, so I had to choose...  one way or the other.

And I did.

It was interesting....  Iranians and Iraquis wanting to get in, and I wanted out. 

By that time it was in the new place, and it was a bunker and many years before 9/11.  And I thought it really, REALLY over the top. 

Tja, it's what comes from trying to see the good in people.

So they cut their budget by over 318 million dollars...  all those scary Marines not in the consulates, but at the embassies.

Errm....  who to blame?  Oh yeah, the BLACK GUY....  because, y'know, you can get tee shirts now, the hiding is over.  'Put the WHITE Back in the White House.' 

All the dog whistle stuff?  Is over.  All the 'he wasn't born here stuff?  Ditto. 

I can't wrap my mind around all the blatant things that went down these last four years.  For me... when I hear Obama speak, I hear one of my grandfathers' voices, folksy, smooth, and comforting.

I hear fuckin' Romney, and I hear dispassionate coldness that can fuck you into the middle of the next decade and rip your heart out.

So is that all they got?   Hell, they'd rape you blind and make you want to thank you for it. 



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