Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sandy and Rachel Maddow's modest proposal

Which is what I've been whining about for years now.  But oh yeah...  she lived in England on a scholarship to Oxford, I think it was. 

Our power lines are underground.  We haven't had massive power outages since I can't remember when.  And then they were local, or because lightning hit a power plant locally, and I 'think' the last time it happened...  we were down for almost an hour. 

I have asked this question repeatedly, and one of the more interesting answers I received was:  'well, our town discussed it, but a lot of people didn't want the lines running underneath their property.' 

This was one of the most amazing rationales for not doing what is obviously sensible and so goes back to some sort of selfishness and greed, it left me spitless. 

So...  you get increasingly frequent freak storms, and people lose their electricity for over a week at a time, and what happens?  They put up the lines above ground again thinking that some tree won't fall on them in a storm. 

 The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. 

I was relieved to find that I'm not the crazy one.  Rachel seems to agree with me.  You can find it here beginning at about the five minute mark. 

But then again...  some people think she's crazy.  Time will tell, but the practice here has shown she is right.

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