Thursday, October 11, 2012

Class act

I'm not surprised.  Empty suit.  And disgusting. 

Let's remember, Mitt was all for viet nam and the war... as long as everyone else went to fight it.

In the end, I have some reservations about Obama as regards his foreign policy.  But he is consistent and doesn't lie. 

Mitt, on the otherhand....  well as Liz Winstead said, he must be nearly paralysed by trying to talk out of both sides of his mouf.

But  Romney using the military for points?  Wow.  How low can you sink.

How embarrassing is it if you are running for president, and relate over and over how you met someone who was killed in Libya, and that person's family asks you to cease and desist, because...   you ...    oh, this story really sucks. 

Listen to the end.  Here.


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