Monday, October 8, 2012


over the weekend was bland, as usual... 

One thing that was interesting was the excitement over some guy from Salzburg is currently in New Mexico and wants to parachute out of a baloon from the stratosphere 36 km above ground and thus break the sound barrier in the free-fall part.  Which seemingly has never been done before.

I assume there is a REASON for that.  Why anyone would want to is beyond me.  This is up there for the guy who did the deepest dive of all time without gear this year and nearly landed in a coma, but he did it.  Also from Austria.  Seemingly, this country produces people who really push boundaries. 

The only coherent bipartisan argument on gay marriage I ever heard was on Friday and posted on the Rachel Maddow show blog.  It's lengthy, but very coherent, and even entertaining at times.  If you wish to take a look at the latter, you can watch it here.  I especially liked the discussion from the 23 to 40 minute mark on.

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