Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wow... Christmas cards as guilt trips. I always thought that was solely my mother's specialty

Today was one of 'those' days...  

It wasn't the weather, the sun broke through the ubiquitous fog fields by ten a.m... untypical for November....

It was when I checked the mailbox.  Peter has been in a home and this will be his third Christmas there.  I have never received a card from them, so imagine my surprise that the first and probably only one I will get was from them.

The text was all about thanking the relatives of the 'inmates' for their 'support', and how they spend all year doing their utmost to make everyone's loved ones comfortable.

With my name misspelled as greeting, and a scrawl at the end of it from 'the team'.  In pencil...   who does that, I ask you?  In-Fucking-credible.  

Because, you see, I was only able to make a visit this year once in March.  So much support.  Oh, I do call, and he never has much to say, because he doesn't remember from one moment to the next, but still...  

I just never have the money to make the round trip these days, yet felt incredibly guilty.  I also suppose it's a way to solicit donations to the place and staff during the 'giving' time of year.

Still...  I found it offensive.  Where was that card when I dragged myself down there weekly for over a year and a half, huh?

And yeah, it doesn't take much to ruin my day.  

Am still trying to fix my pc, and got another shocker.  Found a program which might...  just might... fix it at a price I could afford... and when I tried to buy it, the machine told me my credit card number 'wasn't real'.  Reallah.  

So am stuck with microshit that makes my notebook crash if I play a youtube clip more than ten minutes long, and doesn't let my game run much more than that either.  And this since the last Vista update, and have the sneaking suspicion it was in their so-called service pack, but I can't find the damned thing to eliminate it.  And run every thinkable programme to look for defects and viruses and malware you can think of, but nah, they say my notebook is 'healthy'.  Uh-huh.

Sometimes I wish I'd majored in computer programming.  And that people were a little more subtle about guilt-tripping people when they don't know what the background really is.  

Tis the season, so depressing, fa-la-la-la-la....

The only thing that was upbeat was Da ven's soap.  It got interesting and has two story lines going simultaneously that are half-way suspenseful.  And that's pitiful, if it is all that is good...   

Oh yes...  the Communist party missed beating the Christian Conservatives by 14 votes.  That is astounding, for sure.

(They finished counting the absentee ballots..  big difference, am gob-smacked.)


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