Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The US media is going hysterical, as usual...

Watching yesterday's coverage on the eve of the first debate was interesting.  The anchors unravel with 'an-ti-ci-PAY-shun'.

But diabetic Chris Matthews, motor mouth extraordinaire, gave us some insight on the voter suppression law in his home state of Pennsylvania.  There are some statements at the beginning which left me spitless. 

We show ID when we vote.  But we all need ID.  You have a national identity card, or not.  And it used to be, a passport, because most countries are sorta small...  when compared to big states in the US, but to go further, you needed a passport.

You can see this amazing piece of shit here

Pay close attention to the first minutes and you can click out on the rest, it's bloviating.  But wow....  Lazy.  The poor are too lazy to get a 'free' voter ID.  Well, Preciousses, they put the place where you GET the ID way outside where they live, and, well, being poor...  they don't have welfare cadillacs.  And seemingly, you just don' t show up and say 'Hey, I need my ID', oh no.  'No no no no no...  you need to prove you are an American and who you say you are.  So we need documents.'

And the documents... if you can get them if you live far away from the state you were born... cost money.  I had to buy a copy of my birth certificate, for instance.  But it didn't cost me anything...  In reality, the Penn laws and the fees for getting an ID go from 50 dollars upward.  Now if you're poor...  is that going to replace getting food on your table?  They'll choose groceries and curse the fuckers who messed up the economy in the first place.  And not vote.  There are a LOT of people there who never voted in their lives and were proud of it, because...  it was a free country.  And I am so not joking.  I did some canvassing work for a dark horse candidate back in the Seventies.  Skeery.

Disgrazia, Disgrace, Disgusting.

A lack of empathy?  I see the most awesomely horrible form of pandering in all my long years. 

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