Monday, November 26, 2012

Elections have consequences....

Ohly 53 percent of the city voted yesterday.  This is shameful, and those who didn't have no reason to be the ones who complain the loudest when policies are introduced that the populace won't like  

As a result of the past year's corruption hearings, the public is really fed up with the social democrats, and the christian conservatives, who normally get the lion's share of the vote.  

So my hunch yesterday was correct...  a city government will only be possible via a coalition.  The local rag had the hand wringing boxer short twisting headline 'the city has become ungovernable.'  

Hogwash.  They'll come to terms and someone will be willing to coalesce but it's sure gonna be a weird bunch. The Christian Dems  still hold the lion's share, but it's way below having the majority to govern alone.  as their nefarious dealings got lots of coverage during the corruption hearings. 

Not surprisingly the Communist party came in second.  I assume that the socialists left their candidates to vote red.  This is not so bad as it might seem, they are hardly radical and do a lot of good, as I know well.  Of the two radical right wing parties, one got seven mandates, and the most obnoxious of the two did not get a mandate.

Below a breakdown of which party has how many people in the city government.  From the  'Kleine Zeitung'. Oh yes, and the pirate party got one.   

15.32% (-4,3)


33.48% (-4.9)


13.93% (+3,1)


11.99% (-2,6)


20.08% (+8,9)


1.35% (-2,9)



1 comment:

  1. I read an interview with Mrs. Kaar where the interviewer asked her about the possibility to get second strongest party...
    So Elke Kaar just said "let's talk about this thing after voting". Beside that this interview was one of the best I've read in the last time (ok, not so hard if you know our politicians...) - interested?

    another thing that made me angry was the fact that I was unable to get a "Wahlkarte2, becaue I left Graz to early to get one and it was not possible to order one and send it to me abroad...
