Sunday, November 25, 2012

Voting Day

Whelp...  trundled off to the polls this morning to do my civic duty. By this time, there were some placards fairly thoroughly vandalised, and the ones that weren't were behind class at the bus stop shelters.

My polling station is in a pre-school part of the local grammar school not far from my house.  Although it was after nine a.m., as you can see...  the coast was clear.  They have 4 stations at that school for the surrounding neighborhood.  


I was surprised to find a record eight parties on the list...  including the pirate party.  I'd read and heard about them being in Germany, but was surprised to find they'd reached us.  It originated in Sweden, and is seemingly spreading.  It is an offshoot of the Occupy Movement, and they are serious enough...  despite the absurd name.  Whatever, it was done in minutes, and will hear around six p.m. what the results are.  Since no one will most likely get a clear majority, the jockeying for forming coalitions will begin. Should be interesting.  

It's now noon, and the sun finally burned off the blasted fog.

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