Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Speculationalism... which is what journamalism is ALL about...

General Petraeus of the US stepped down two days ago.  The FBI had investigated him and it turned out he was having an affair.  Which, in the military is prohibited.  Which is all we know and what he said.

What BURNS me is the non-stop speculation.  Or speculationalism in journamalistic terms.  Oooooooo...  something to BITE on.

Well, the 24 hour news cycle got on it, and whoa!  Now there's shirtless photos of FBI agents running about, and some sort of triangle, and gaaaawwwwd knows what else.

Well, aren't we all now tittilated and DISTRACTED.

Especially since even the cadaverous asshole Eric Cantor supposedly knew about it before the elections but didn't use it, because, well, ya know, it wasn't verified at that point...  and Petraeus is a right leaning person, after all.

So if we are to believe the press, two socialites, very rich ones, got in a tangle over one guy, and some harassing e-mails flew, and one of them upped the game, got an amorous non-shirted fed on the trail, and things took off from there.  ooooo... how scintillating.

Except, the lady who helped launched it was sex-texting another four star general.  Maybe...

Heady stuff, for sure.

I fuckin' hate the press in the US and the cycle.  I had journalism in high school as a subject and aced it.  You write only when you get the confirmation of at least three parties, and only after you have ALL the facts.  If you are reporting as supposed facts come in, you are blurring the issue.

It's just another damned spectacle, if you ask me.  And people there don't know how damaging this spectacle is to how they are perceived in the rest of the world, which angers me even more. 

Today's news reported on it...   with the comment that it was something out of a SOAP OPERA.  Sort of schadenfreude in tone.

Whelp, I can concur. 

This rant was brought to you by 'Morning Joe' Scarborough  on the tee-vee.  Which is one of the most misogynistic shows on MSNBC.  Lots of white male conservatives who are so disrespectful to women it defies description, and the co-anchor is the daughter of a former Nixon diplomat who can only shine when 'Daddy' is on.  Supposedly liberal, but hey, lives in New York and otherwise in the south of France.   Tja...  no influence.  Is there to cluck and shake her head, is constantly interrupted by male bloviators. 

WHY this is on a supposedly liberal network is beyond my comprehension.

Certainly, there are questions about this whole thing.  But I ended up LAUGHING when Joe Scarbourogh had his head exploding and demanding intervention from the ACLU.  That is so rich and ironic... 

For many many reasons...   if it had been a democratic leaning person, for instance.  He'd have demanded him to be put in stocks at the very least.  And he's concerned with protection of rights?  I seem to remember when he was screaming for them to be taken away after 9/11.  Oh yeah, put 'em in stocks.  It's a trauma 'Murka never recovered from.  Because they were told they were superheros and invincible. 

In all such stories, there were chinks in the armour, I guess, and 
things go very wrong.

What Scarborough does is bloviate.  He can bray, and his laugh sounds like a jackass and in my opinion he is.  But today, he outdid himself on breaking every journalistic rule, and spinning, and speculating, and being rude, which is just who he is and what he does.  Try to torture yourself and watch it through, and maybe you'll see what I mean..  It's here.


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