Saturday, November 17, 2012

I think I saw a glimmer of greatness today....

Clips of President Obama going back to Staten Island. 

It amazes me that so little press coverage has been devoted to what that storm really did to people.  Maybe not enough people drowned, is my cynical thought.  But the damage!

New York and New Jersey got drowned in the sea of media masturbation over the elections, and the people in the affected areas got shafted.  That's my opinion.  They got a week's worth attention.

I keep wondering how the family of a long-ago co-student and friend of mine from Oyster Bay on Long Island might be faring, in that very beautiful home they had.   I lost contact decades ago, but remember...  and worry. 

They were warm, loud, Italian, New YAWK, and so funny I ended up getting hiccups for a record 72 hours.  I miss that sort of laughter.  

Whatever...  I ton't think he wen't back for a photo op.  I think he went back to find out how best to help.  It wasn't so high profile in the media. 

Time will tell, but with all the man has on his plate...  I thought it admirable.

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