Friday, December 28, 2012

just when you think everything is in order... a new set of circumstances sets you on your ear

In November, my provider cut off my service for ten days and I saw to it that an outstanding bill got paid, and had it turned on as early as was possible.  

So you think, 'well, that's ok, then.'  Wrong, äääääää....

I 'thought' it was ok, because I could call out, so my connection was functioning, right?  It would stand to reason...

The thing is, I rarely make phone calls, and then in December, because I know a lot of people with December birfdays.  The first was on the 4th, dear Elke.  She was busy, I assumed partying, so I left a happy happy on her voice mail.  And was surprised when she didn't call me back when she got a minute.  

Odd, I thought...  And then on the fifteenth, I received a card from her thanking me for the call and saying she hadn't been able to reach me.  So I thought she had tried when I was temporarily cut off...  

And I'd talked to Peter and told him K wanted to drive me down to the home so I could visit...  except he never called either once he was back from the Czech republic, but figured he had a lot to do, it being advent after all....

Same thing happened with AM on the 21st...  Voice mail, left a message, no reply.  

On the 23rd, I was somewhat piqued.  So I called AM, and she gave me hell...  said I was unreachable.  And reached Dorle and Elke, and they gave me various degrees of hell  Turns out it became the 24th...  and as we all know, the whole fucking country shuts down for three days, and I finally realised that when they turned the service back on, I could call out----but no one could call in.  A glitsch.  

And this wouldn't have bothered me, I had reached who I wanted to speak to, after all, and said I'd clear it up.

Then came the horridays.  I wasn't able to reach the nursing home for three days....  they were probably understaffed and had their hands full.    It rang a while, and then the connection broke off.  So I wasn't able to reach Peter.

And then came the horror...  I got through yesterday early, and they said he wasn't awake yet.  He'd asked to sleep till ten, as he'd just come back from hospital and was exhausted.  The home had tried to reach me via email and telephone, but I hadn't been reachable.  Seemingly it was another heart episode, and hed been in the hospital in Graz for days and I'd had no idea.  I would have been there day and night for him, and he probably thought I just don't give a shit any more.  I was clueless.  

For all the times for everything to go horribly wrong, I wouldn't have even been able to conceive of a worse one.

I was off the charts for concerned and dismayed.  And the best thing?  I'd forgotten to inform the home of the email change, but thought, well, they'll call if something is wrong.  The ironic thing?  I sent the admin there a mail to what they are listed on in the phone book, explaining,,,,   and it bounced.  

Peter sounded weak, and didn't want to say what had been wrong, but assume it was his heart again.  Said there were 'listeners at the wall', meaning that the cleaning people were in his room.  I explained what had happened and apologised and assured him I'd have been there had I known.  

The problem is supposedly being corrected...  the company has to run a software programme that takes 24 hours to complete.  So they said.  

And with that...  well, I'm sort of FUCK Christmas and everything to do with it.  


  1. Amen to the Fux Xmas, darlin', and a great, big, splintery hacked-up DOUBLE-FUCKING to the utilities and phone bastards who made all of this shit happen in the FIRST FUCKING PLACE!!! They KNOW BETTER than to fuck with broke-ass people during THEIR fucking HORRIDAYS, but they seem to take EXPONENTIALLY-INCREASED joy joy joy THRILLS at bending US over THEIR gimp-barrel just when we are at our BROKEST. Rat-bastids. They fuck up our lives with their teeny-tiny little scrimp of "power" at EVERY FUCKING OPPORTUNITY, and they drag those out AS LONG AS FUCKING POSSIBLE, like a certain recently-demoted TWUNTLETTE @ the CVS on Prytania, as well as her co-conspirator cohorts who'll never ASSume that any old broad with white roots just simply MUST be SOME MAN'S PROPERTY by now and have GRAND-SPAWN, n'est-ce pas?, so she's GOT to be called "MISSERUS," rather than MIZ --- that short little cathlick will NEVER assume THAT SHIT ever the fuck AGAIN, since he is the one who kicked-off my TWO-SEPARATE-INCIDENT UBER-FUCKOVER at what I'd previously thought of as THE most-professional and humane pharmacy in Orleans. Gloating? Moi? Non, non, c'est impossible! Especially since said management dood was probably blowing smoky sunshine up my ass the entire conversation... apologies are EASY when you NEVER HAVE TO LOOK 'EM IN THE EYE, ain't they.

    All work & no play makes Jack a dull boy... All work & no play makes Annti a pissier bitch... yup, watching The Shining, whatta shock, 'cause what else better encapsulates time spent trapped in the boonies with "RELATIVES"??? I wish you were here and we were sharing horror stories over popcorn, m'love, 'cause we both like getting skeered shitless on rare occasions, as long as it AIN'T REAL.

    The shitless-skeering that THESE motherfuckers have subjected you to, though, ain't NOTHIN' entertaining about THAT SHIT. The nursing home fucking KNEW BETTER, dammit, and they had no RIGHT to appoint ANYBODY to handle Peter's bidness over YOU. That's how they ensure that *THEY* GET PAID, above all else and especially over the importance of Peter's actual CARE. And fuck YOUR nerves or feelings or rights, 'cause THEY IS A CORPORATION, and CORPORATIONS GOTS TONS MORE RIGHTS THAN ACTUAL HOOMINS, BUT THEY STILL GET TO CLAIM "PERSONHOOD" IN COURT!

    Give Pete my love & hugs and may you ALWAYS have train fare whenever possible, and may the local hospital/hellpital have it CARVED IN STONE that IF PETER IS ADMITTED THERE, ***YOU*** ARE THE FIRST AND MOST-IMPORTANT PERSON TO BE NOTIFIED, seeing as how his dear wealthy relatives don't wanna be known-of A'TALL if it concerns HIM IN NEED OF ANYTHING. Fuck that "advocate" sideways with a rolled-up magazine like Prince's dirty little girl in the hotel lobby, with a sharp-edged copy OF The Advocate! Who knows better than you how to get shit done, especially concerning Peter, some pencil-pushing, bottom-of-the-totem-pole facility newbie?? Hardly.

    Whatever I can do to help or raise hell or break kneecaps, PLEASE let me know, even if it means giving Peter my phone number in case of emergencies (even if he has to call collect!), just to make sure that SHIT GETS DONE RIGHT. If I have to shake-down the entire East Coast VA again for Raffles' whereabouts, I can damned well fix a coupla uppity Austrians without calling in the cavalry or the gubmint, as they'll just make it take so much longer!!!

    Love you. Take care, keep warm, and eat well!!!

  2. Hello Rene!
    It's "K" :)
    of course I'm going to dirve you down - but it will be possible from 15th of January on - no problem. As promised. Sorry that I didn't write aou or tried to call you. I was really busy after CZ, on 14th 'm going to have my Neurology exam and than - hopefully it's getting more comfortable in life :)
    So, if you read this - send me an mail - looking forward!
