Saturday, December 15, 2012


Haven't written much this past week...  too cold, was mostly staying warm.  When the temperature goes below 0 Celcius, my heating system can't handle it and it gets cold in my appartment.

So I tinkered with Crash, my pc, trying an impossible fix, and getting incensed when only minor improvements resulted from all the searches, and testing scans, and such like.  But two nights ago, there was a new vista update.  So after three weeks of banging my head on the keyboard, the new update seems to have corrected what was wrong...  which happened after the old update was installed.  Seems is the operative word here.

Unfortunately, I had removed my old version of the game I play, and wasn't able to re-install it for some odd reason, got the US version, and only get the entry mask...  and then it tells me it can't connect ot the authorisation server.  Go figure. And I'd had a priest up to level 36.  fuck, fuck, fuck.

I really missed that.  

I don't call 'em Microshit for nothing.

And this morning I read that windows 8 de-installs other programs on your pc at random. and is a mess.  


With them, newer isn't necessarily better.

And caught up with the news, which was more or less upsetting and amazing.  Where the Rethugs are in charge, they are continuing busting unions and legislating against women's health, on the state level, while the ones on the national level are wringing their hands trying to figure out what they said that was wrong.  Wellllll...   if you dissed half the country, it might have been a problem, y'know?

While rummaging around I stumbled upon a wonderful cartoon which really sums up what the current republican party is about.  I smiled....  but it made me sad at the same time.  Those people are just heartless.

Sort of says it all, I guess.... Fits the horriday season.

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