Friday, June 14, 2013

fun with health care...

I ordered my glasses today.  I get them under a leasing term because the fucking graduated ones cost so much you might as well just go blind and die.  

Leasing is...   you pay for your glasses via the bank in a nominal rate every month, and after two years, they replace them for free!  Hey!  WOW!  


Our laws covering glasses on the national insurance rates are scandalous.  

So I ordered me some reading glasses per prescription, and am at 6 dioptrin which is a measurement and well on the way to going blind.

So this company has a leasing programme for glasses.  Sounds real good.  EXCEPT: you can only lease one pair not two, nope.  t'other is to  be paid for in full, and get this. THE THICKER THEY ARE; THE MORE HEY COST:

#I have anger issues with this... clearly.  They can suck you dry monetqarily just so you can see.  That and the dental cre system in our health care are the two things that I think need great reform.

In the other branches of med...  no complaints...  OBAMACARE is coming...  and just like here, there will be drawbacks...  but it will be awesome.  Actually, So many people in 'Murka won't have to line upü in cattle call health clinic 'SHOWS any more and reveal to the world that 'MURKA  is a heartless place.  Except:   It IS!

Who wouldaa thought...  

And the NSA thing.
As to Miss Lindsay Graham...  you go girl on your path of self.destruction, and Mr Turtle should just crawl under a rock and go to sleep for q hundred years only to wake up and have some kids think he is  frog qnd splat him with 59 Chevies.  I had one once but no drivers license yet.  My 

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