Thursday, June 6, 2013

Adventures in Health care...Euro style

After avoiding doctors for two and a half years, it's become time to have some maintainance done .  So I got an optometrist appointment, and had the good luck to get an appointment in two weeks after calling.  Except that went down the tubes because the doctor got sick, so it was today.  I presented my plastic insurance card, today, and went through the exams involving some of the most modern machines imagineable.  Including fotos of the inside of my eyes immediately available to study on the computer.  (They sort of looked like NASA fotos of Saturn.)

After an hour, I had a consult with Dr. Hedwig, who is strict, but I like her especially because of that.

She told me she is stymied, because she can't find out any cause for how badly I currently see.  There is only a beginning of glaucoma, hardly enough to be an impairment. and otherwise, structurally they are sound, but the veins are extremely constricted.  Could be due to high blood pressure.   So she is 'at the end of her latin', as she said.  Although she let out a low whistle when the eye fotos appeared on the screen...

So she set up an appointment at the eye clinic where I will have more tests.    And will only have to wait six days.  Which is really fast.

She aksi advused ne to get to my GP and check out my blood pressure and test for diabetes.

So,,,,   there will be no bill.  There will be no financial havoc wreaked on my finances.  And will get the best tests possible till they find out what the problem is.  That is very comforting.  Beginning next year, people in the US are going to find that Obamacare is going to be something very positive after all.


1 comment:

  1. Hi RenB!
    Great to read from you again. Have been busy these days - so sorry for not answering your calls!
