Saturday, November 17, 2012

an addendum on voting, and ammendments and national service

Changes in rules or constitutional addenda are always voted on separately here.  There are two sorts, and one of them is coming up soon...  whether mandatory national service should be abolished or not.  Either in the army or civil service.

They really are going hammer and tongs over the issue, but I know how I will go on that one.  Privatizing the military in making it voluntary hasn't worked in the US.

You end up with one percent sacrificing, the rest not feeling any obligation to the country, and a total disconnect.  I don't think that would be good.  People should feel and serve in some capacity.  I would have gladly done so, but was already too old when I finally got my papers.

And would have been proud to do so.

Automatically not doing so would only be a disconnect.