Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Village Sign most often stolen in Austria is...

Or so I've been told by someone who nicked one....  this has the added hilarity of adding 'Please slow down'.    I had forgotten it till I ran across it on-line this morning.

May it give you a horriday smile. And you can look it up on google if you don't believe there is such a place.


  1. Way too late, a quadrillion dollars short, but:


    What? You thought that I'd AVOID the pedophile angle on this shit? Come ON. Pfft. Too easy... kinda like kindergarteners... ::::::UNIVERSAL GROAN OF HORROR & DISTASTE::::::

    For newbies: It is a sign for a town named ***FUCKING*** and situated immediately above a sign about "GOING SLOW FOR CHILDREN/KINDER"!!!!!! Shecky fucking GREEN wouldn't pass on that one!!!

  2. Why doth the HTML hate me so fucking much?

    And no, it's not because of the lame jokes, ya ninnies.

    Super-secret decoder-ring word? "BRIDE DUC" How does Google know how much I hate the institutionalization of marriage, and why doth Chrome SUXXORS so fucking MUCH as a browser? More schizophrenic than my last 3 exes...

    ...and yes, they were all 3 closet-cases. My first "boyfriend" was A FLAMER and I never noticed, my first CRUSHES (as a 3 & 5-year-old) were on ELTON JOHN AND DAVID (Jones) BOWIE. Any other questions? Not that anybody's ever wondered WHY I retired, or CARED, obviously, but it bears repeating once every 14 months or so... No, I dunno why. Blame my neurologist. Blame Morris Bart. Blame Eli Lilly, Pfizer & Purdue Pharma. Or just ignore it all.
