Monday, December 3, 2012

Happy Krampus...

Yes, it's two days early, but I found a terrific diary on Daily Kos, and as we all know..  they disappear fast and are hard to find again.
I've never been able to satisfactorily explain the Krampus, and Steveningen at that site has done a thorough job.  So please go here.

And you will find much to delight you, including a video from my town which captures the fun.  It was the best one YouTube has in stock.



 And by the way...  nowadays they are more child-friendly and not so traumatising as when Peter was young.  They scare him to this day, he had a bad visit from one.  The children nowadays get skeered, but they know it isn't real.  But in Peter's day, they had greeting cards like this. (!!!) 

Stan Winston's folk should hire some of the artists who make these masks...  the old ones are of hand-carved wood, and have hinges so the Krampus can open it and take a breather.  They are very costly, and wonderful handiwork.  

So you're on notice: you have two days to become very afraid.