Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Department of Corrections

The other night I said crooks and liars never get called to justice?

I was wrong. Tuesday's newspaper had four perps in front of a judge on the front page, with balloon captions of jail sentences they got.  Mostly 2 and 3 years.

It was a result of a parliamentary investigation into party based corruption, with the usual kick-backs, and bribes, and so on, much as one sees in the US, but not on so grand a scale.

In this case, some 'dudes' convinced someone in the state legislature in Carynthia to pay them six million euros in consulting fees on a project, and the monies mostly went elsewhere into the conservative party for propaganda.  (why am I not surprised???) 

I'm sketchy on the details, but the state wanted the money back, and whaddya know...  it was gone. 

We're talkin' about OUR taxes they went and blew six million on...  what exactly?  Well, the money isn't gonna be recovered, and hell, the perps have it 'somewhere'...  or good protection...except this time the latter didn't work.  So they get to go to prison.

When I think about the US...  well, we don't have much in the way of 'satisfaction', but it is soooo  edifying to know they finally caught the curve and want to clean up an act that has been part of the culture for way too long.  And if it were up to me, the person who was so gullible or culpable as to give them that six million should go to jail as well.  For sheer stupidity.

So, Austria isn't Wall Street....  yet.  but it isn't for lack of trying, this wasn't an isolated incident.  The only difference is, here you go to jail.

We have pundits here in the media as well as anywhere else.  And one guy...  sorta the local version of George Will ....well he said, 'oh, this will deter others from doing anything like that.'

Well, I want his rose colored glasses, hey.  As far as I can see, it was a blip on the radar.

So I was right...  this shit goes on everywhere.  And I was wrong.  Some people here actually got punished.  I wanna see the Wall St. guys do lonnnnng sentences.

They are the real parasites.


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