Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Debates and the quote of last week

This about sums up yesterday's debate:


Best quote of last week:

“When I hear you talking about taking a swing and taking punches, why do I get the feeling that you’ve never actually taken a punch? Or thrown a punch? I didn’t have that luxury in the part of Boston that I grew up in. But in your rich, suburban Bost  on life, with your father filling a $100 million trust fund for you, I don’t know, I just get the feeling that things were kind of different for you.
Now, I know you’ve got a lot — a lot to be pissed off at these days, starting with the name Taggart, which you got every right to be wicked pissed off at for every day for the 42 years of your life. So, let me try to help you deal with all this aggression you’re feeling right now.
You’re mad at President Obama for calling your father a liar? Well, let’s get something straight, he didn’t call your father a liar, I did. The president just said that what your father said isn’t true. I’ve been saying all year that your father is a liar, I’ve repeatedly said that your father lies and is trying to lie his way into the White House.
You want to take a swing at someone for calling your old man a liar? Take a swing at me. Come on, come on. And don’t worry, there won’t be any Secret Service involved. Just us. And I’ll make it easy for you, I’ll come to you. Anytime, anywhere.”
Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC challenging Tagg Romney to take a swing at him after the little Mittster said he wanted to punch the President of the United States during the debate.

You can watch his meltdown here..  The fun begins at about the 8:10 mark.  The rant preceding it is how none of the Romneymen ever served in the service and why.  Also interesting.


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