Monday, December 2, 2013

A requium for a good man..

I had just finished the post below, and got bad news.  Or news...  whatever.  The only one of my former bosses whom I truly liked and respected had just died.  And he was younger than I am.   

Seeimingly he'd had something with his gall, maybe stones, then it was acute, then they operated, then he got sepsis, and died,  

He was from Iran.  

I know, I know, there is a mess of stuff in the right wing media nowadays and for a long time now about Iran, none of it good.   But there is a difference when you know someone from that country, and they consider themselves Persians with a long history of which they are very proud.

Mr. N. was very kind to me, which I found odd...  because we came from diametrially opposite cultures.  He had the Tunesian board of tourism people stay with us, and was explicit about wht he wanted in their hotel rooms.  First time West went contra East hey.  He wanted me to put alcoholic beverages in them.  I said, 'sorry, I can't do that.'  #'And we had this Ausrian guy in the lobby pering up his ears.  

Mr. N. said, listen, there are 55 mph signs on the highway, but people still go faster.  

(His references always made me nearl laugh outright)

When Peter messed up and I left our home, he drove all the way from 'Vienna just to let me know in person that he was supportive, and that if I needed anything, anything, I should just call him, which perplexed me to the max.  

And surely flattered, but, I thought, hey, people of islamic faith aren't like that...   But he definitely was...   He said, I really admire your loylty.'  I thought he meant to the company, but he repeated it with emphasis, and I knew he meant mine to Peter's and it blew my mind.

I know that he was very kind.  And that he lvoed his family above everything on earth.  And I know that he had it bad with his partners, because they treated him with less than the respect he deserved.  So it doesn't surprise me that they galled him to death..,s  so to speak.   

He was very small in stature.  Such tiny feet.  Delicate in frame, and somewhere along the line, had had is eyebrows singed off.  they were just darker red lines above his eyes, which was a bit distracting.

I assume he was Sunni in his religious faith, although he never talked about beliefs.  I recently learned the difference in my M.I.T. course about that.  If so, their beliefs come parallel to what real christians believe.   I found him to be more 'christian' than a lot of people who run around touting their supposed superiority and proselytise their ignorance and try to force it on others.  He lived his faith, and was very kind.

And tolerant.

He leaves a very beautiful and cultured wife behind, and his beloved children.  His eyes danced when you were in favor, and if something rankeled, they turnd to deadlights.  no light, no sparkle, and you knew you'd overstepped a boundary.  He was an artist in a kitchen.  

Paradise is as persian word, I recently learned.  It means a wonderful most beautiful garden you get to live in in the afterlife.  So I hope that Mr. N finds his paradise.  and may he rest in peace.l  and for the war mongers....  well, they really don't know what they are talking about with all their hate.  

He meant much to me.   



  1. So, SO sorry that you lost such a fine and respectful friend. Not hanging-out-over-beers kinda friend, but the kind of a boss who proves himself to BE capable of friendship, in the most-proper business sense, plus. He's always seemed, from your descriptions, to be the best of that lot, and I so wish that I'd gotten the chance to come over there and meet him.

    I am so sorry for your loss, beloved.

    OT, but why in the flaming frog FUCK is your SIDEBAR fucking VIBRATING?!?!?! Am I getting Parkinson's or are you trying to GIVE IT TO PEOPLE?!?!?!? That's more disturbing/distracting than those seizure-inducing Japanese cartoons!!! Errrgggghhhhh GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

  2. Thanks dear.. he wasn't a friend, but he was a good person.

    ON my pc, the side bar never moves, so... umm errr.... are you taking ambien? just wondering... now go lie down diear, till the room stops spinning. gg

  3. He was one of my boss too - never got along with his points of views...
    but when I read your text I got to know more about him in private...

    Requiescat in pace, Mr. N
