Sunday, January 13, 2013

A History Lesson for Michiganders, Wisconsinites, and all the rest

We once had a very brilliant chancellor who did not suffer fools gladly.  Famously, when asked a stupid question in a press conference which exposed the ignorance of the 'jornamalist', he went on a rant with the famous line, while shaking his finger at him, 'Learn history, young man!'  It was a classic moment.

I think it would be a good moment for the people in the above-mentioned states and the ones where the so-called 'freedom to work' laws are in the works to learn a bit of history.  

And as distasteful as it is to put that image on my blog...  well, it's to the point, isn't it?  And isn't it peculiar that the GOP is following Adi's playbook, in the oh-so-wholesome, 'values loving' center of the country...  

Learning history might be of value, but I assume they sanitized everything meanwhile, as they so often do.  

Found the graphic on an unlikely blog, but used in the same context, so hat tip to Kyle.

1 comment:

  1. "Right To Work" laws are what ruined the LA economy, alongside of Bush Sr.'s Houston oil cronies destroying our oil & gas industry. Teh Dick, always a union man up until that point, was laid-off for TWO FUCKING *YEARS* because of "Right To Work" bullshit. It's just like NAFTA, CAFTA & FTAA --- re-legalizing slavery. Period. More profits for the massahs, skilled LOCAL labor gets fucked, and "third-world" workers, skilled or not, are imported like livestock, paid less than slave wages, and are as disposable as certain races/sexual orientations were to "Adi."

    OT, but it never fails to strike me as appallingly blatant, though nobody ever says it, that the people that Hitler hated most were the ones who RESEMBLED HIM THE MOST. Was he a tall, blond, blue-eyed "Aryan"? Fuck no, he was a short, "swarthy-looking," sexually-ambiguous closet case with performance issues. Projecting much? Easy to pull together a conspiracy theory that "THOSE PEOPLE are taking our jobs/running the banks/controlling the world/etc." when you need to recruit fellow haters, n'est-ce pas?

    Anyway, there aren't many unions in the U.S. that are worth a whole helluva lot anymore, but the ones that still ARE functional deserve a fucking chance to SURVIVE, not to be smothered to death with the petroleum-product "fleece" blanket of so-called "capitalism," when it has about as much to do with "fair trade" or "the open market" as Pope Panzerfaust/Chupacabra has to do with Jeebus.

    It seems so simple, doesn't it? The simple fucking concept of FAIR PLAY? And yet the jingoistic morons who kept Glenn Beck employed accept blindly the chanted slogans that mean nothing, but they believe "Define" MURKA and "FREEDOM" and "SAVING MONEY/FIGHTING 'BIG GUBMINT'," as if THEIR lives weren't made infinitely better by social programs that WORKED back before they got farmed-out to PRIVATIZATION.

    In other words, how come nobody notices that we're STILL LIVING IN REAGANOMICS?!?!?!
