Saturday, November 3, 2012

Having seen and heard the onslaught of tee-vee and radio punditry this season

And having grown up in a state where the first presidential primaries were held, I can sympathise with how overwhelming the media can get.  But This year, in swing states, of which my former home is one, it's obviously become unbearable. 

We didn't have robocalls, or 22 minute blocks of ads assaulting our sensibilities every two minutes with trash and mostly lies.

Having followed the campaign, which has lasted two lonnnng years, I can really empathise with little Abigail.  Oh, I liked watching all the twists and turns of it, but really, two years?  Our election shit lasts about six weeks, and even that is more than enough.

I see the US mode as a new sort of art form, and when the Citizens United judgement was handed down...  which freaked me out, the idea that corporations are people was amazing to me.

And was insulted, as I assume many people must be.  Because it assumes that people are sheep, and if you hammer lies at them day in and out, well, they'll believe them.  The average citizen is smarter than that, and in swing states, they develop strategies to avoid being harassed out of their minds.

Like leaving all calls go to the answering machine and screening them.  If they don't recognise the number, they don't pick up.  It doesn't eliminate the 22 minute blocks of ads they get on the tee-vee, but some things can be seen on the internets, and thus avoided.

I feel confident that after this extravaganza of profligate spending, they will find that their efforts won't have made much difference in how people voted, and 2 billion dollars which could have effected much help elsewhere will have gone down the proverbial toilet.

But at this point, just days before the election, I have the sneaking suspicion that the people in the swing states are feeling like little 4 year old Abigail in the video.  'Make it stoooooppppppp.'   

So my heart goes out to those who live in the swing states, with the cheer-leading sentence:  'hang in there, it's only a couple of days now...'

That the little girl thinks the president's name is Bronco Bama is priceless.

Just vote.  It's your civic duty. 

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